Dear Dorie,
Wow! Can you believe it has been nearly four years since I purchased your cookbook and joined French Fridays with Dorie? Some weeks I spend more time with your cookbook than with Sous Chef, and generally have a lot more to show for it.
Since I started reading Around My French Table, I have learned a great many things about cooking and my kitchen. For instance:
- A kitchen without Piment d’Esplette is pretty boring – it enhances most anything.
- If you want to Frenchify a dish, just add Emmenthal or Gruyere cheese.
- Every kitchen should have an 8-inch cake pan and numerous tart and brioche pans.
- Fear has no place in the kitchen (except when using sharp knives or standing over sizzling pork fat): you just have to jump in and try new things. (Oh, wait, that might have been from Julia Child but I will bet you agree.)
- Don’t be afraid to substitute ingredients, or adapt the recipe to your personal tastes. (Bonne Idees rock!) Just have some plan in mind when you do. Serendipity should not be a cooking methodology.
- Though you have tried hard to convince me to love anchovies, I still don’t like them and think they are better used as bait than food.
- Preserved lemons when used properly and in moderation add an awesome layer of flavor.
- Saran wrap does melt in a 225 degree oven when making Tuna Confit, contrary to what your cookbook says.
- I have learned the secret of pastry-making: lots and lots of butter and time.
- Restaurant quality duck can be made at home in less than 30 minutes, making it a delight for weeknight or weekend cooking.
- Read your recipe from start to finish before cooking from it. This applies to anyone’s recipe of course. I just need to remind myself of this axiom from time-to-time.

Possibly the most important lesson was reiterated this past Sunday. Never try to bite off more than you can chew or, to put this into a practical application: NEVER try to make three of your recipes for dinner unless you have an entire day to spend in the kitchen. Sous Chef rudely reminded me of this fact when I tackled Couscous Salad, Tuna Confit with Tomato-Preserved Lemon Salsa, and Roasted Peppers late one Sunday afternoon. Everything seemed so simple on the surface, but facts are facts and I am the world’s slowest slicer, dicer, and chopper. Oh, and add to that list peeling the skin off roasted peppers.

Here in the desert, we generally eat very early to take advantage of the Early Dining Specials and, more importantly, to get back to the Havanese kids as quickly as possible. So slaving in the kitchen until nearly 8:00 pm really threw off our schedules. That was the downside, but the upside was that I really loved the Couscous Salad. It is one of my new favorites and its versatility almost justified my spending most of Sunday afternoon and evening in the kitchen. In many instances, I modify your recipes to suit our preferences or from necessity. In this case, I merely substituted red currants for the raisins, as no raisins were in the pantry, and the result was terrific. The next night we transformed it into a Curried Shrimp Couscous Salad and as a side for our pork the following night. Thanks for introducing me to this wonderful dish that will undoubtedly make many more appearances on our table.

The Tuna Confit was a different story. The confit marinade provided good flavor to the tuna. However, Sous Chef and I decided that we prefer our tuna sushi style or merely seared. Since he is from Los Angeles, Sous Chef has enjoyed fresh fish all his life and during all seasons. As Sous Chef said, “why bother getting a fresh piece of quality tuna only to mask its great flavor with marinade and cook it way beyond rare?” The tuna’s taste and lack of oiliness were as promised, but its dry texture spoke of overcooking when in fact I had faithfully followed the directions. The tuna was nearly saved by the Tomato-Preserved Lemon Salsa that was a real winner and is going to be used with many other dishes. And perhaps the Tuna Confit just begs for cooking sous vide.
Finally, the Roasted Peppers were delicious, but incredibly labor intensive and I’m still scraping the peels off the kitchen floor. When I have time, I am going to do a taste test using quality store bought roasted peppers.
Until next week -Bon Appetit!
The Culinary Diva

Make sure to see what the other Dorista’s did this week by visiting French Fridays with Dorie.

Love that last pic – your kids are adorable! Oh wow! you sure cooked up a storm. The dishes look FAB!
A threesome make-up dish next week? me, you and Alice?
Oh, I LOVE your letter to Dorie! ALL so true! And your babies are adorable…I’m getting antsy to get a new furry friend!!! Beautiful dishes x3!
LOL well supposedly, cooking or chef grade saran wrap doesnt melt… we had this huge discussion on the P &Q board for the apple recipe …. that was all low and slow, can’t remember the name LOL – … so it worked for a couple people and the rest either had melted plastic wrap or didnt use it.!!
The kids look adorable, as always : )
Why did you cook your confit beyond slightly not rare? I thought Dorie’s picture of it showed most of it being rare? I dunno though, its been awhile since I’ve looked at that recipe… I’m saving this recipe for Seattle : ) I have some cooking plans underway!
Love this! I agree with many of your lessons learned. And why oh why (oh why oh why) can’t I ever seem to remember that last one until it’s too late!
What a great meal and the curried shrimp sounds perfect for the next night!
This looks like a lovely meal, despite it throwing off your schedule! But well done for getting all that made in one day! Re: Alice’s comment on the tuna, I don’t think we had a choice on how the tuna came out?! Mine was already white through when I took it out of the marinade 🙁
What a fabulous letter to Dorie- sweet, funny and spot on. Just great. Kudos to you for even trying to knock out all these recipes in one night. It took a while but you got it done so congrats big time. Fab pics and those little four legged helpers are priceless !
I love your list! I think we’ve all learned so much since the start of this group, haven’t we? So great that you managed to make three recipes in one day. Oh, and I relate to the early dinner to take advantage of the specials – sometimes it’s the only way to get into a hot restaurant around here.
Cute post.
It feels like forever since I’ve been over to your site – I need to not wait so long 🙂
This list has definitely been a game changer around here. I can’t believe it’s been four years already!
Those Havanese kids are so adorable. I enjoyed your post. I hope Dorie reads it this week. You’re right about being somewhat ambitious to do a 3-fer in one afternoon. What cocktails accompanied your work? Glad it worked out though. I agree that this salad is a keeper.
Loved this Post, Christy. It was worth waiting for. You are absolutly right on with your rundown of things learned. Saran Wrap? In two recipes Dorie has said that Saran Wrap will work in the oven. It will not. My tuna confit was a disaster anyway but the additional crispy Saran Wrap didn’t help.If you made all those dishes during a Sunday afternoon, I think you are a speedy demon. The peppers took me 1/2 a day. Next time I will be faster.
My favorite pic is the last one, your Havanese kids! Yeh, saran wrap does indeed melt in a 225 degree oven!
Sorry, I forgot to change my website on my comment. This one should be right!
Your Dear Dorie list is great, loved it. Tuna is not our thing, sushi or otherwise but we made it sans Saran Wrap. We loved the couscous salad, hot and cold. I am also a slow chopper. Roasted peppers, Dorie’s way is too labor intensive. I slice them in quarters, coat with olive oil and roast on my grill. We eat them skin and all and they taste just fine. Try that before the jar version:) Happy eating.
A lovely post, I really love your letter to Dorie, so true.
I can’t believe it’s been nearly 4 years either. I loved the cous cous and (big surprise) the tuna confit. Your fur babies are just gorgeous!!!
Christy, As I read your letter to Dorie…I found myself lol and nodding in agreement! Funny how that book has impacted my kitchen as well!
Your photos are lovely, as are your dishes!
Are your babies Havanese? They look just like my dog…we put him down about three years ago. I still miss his sweet little face!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Great catch up! I think I am a very slow slicer, dicer, and chopper too. We may eat late, but the effort is worth it!