I look in the mirror and see a stranger. Of course, age and gravity contribute mightily to the changes. But to a large degree lifestyle is the real culprit. Stress, lack of exercise, laziness, and general malaise are factors. So too is diet, particularly the five-star wining and dining I do for the benefit of my Blog—if not myself and Sous Chef.

Thus it was serendipitous when I was asked to participate as a Pritikin 35th Anniversary Blogger. I would like to think this honor was bestowed because of my writing and not current appearance. But let’s face reality. My 5’10” frame is no longer model-thin and the Pritikin invitation provides just the impetus needed to start a healthful program of diet and exercise and moderation in all things fattening.
My goals for this year are to reduce my weight and figure through exercise and diet and create a daily regimen that I can implement at home or when traveling. We have a trip to Southern Utah scheduled in September and I want to be able to hike the nearby National Parks without fear of being carried out on a gurney while sucking copious quantities of oxygen through a mask.

The Pritikin approach is a comprehensive program of diet and exercise. The more I read about it, the more I feel that it encourages a sensible lifestyle to which one can readily adapt, and is not simply a crash diet de jour. It is about eating healthy whole foods, exercising, and managing stress–fundamentals which I can wholeheartedly embrace.
If you would like to learn more about Pritikin, visit its website at https://www.pritikin.com/ or Facebook Page at https://www.facebook.com/PritikinLongevityCenter. This month the recipes and videos are open to everyone, so check it out for yourself!
PS – Pritikin, I’d really love it if you could Pritikinize Chicken Pot Pie, it is sinfully delicious with all that cream and butter!
Ugh, the slowing metabolism is a pain. Good luck with this program (you look beautiful in both photos!). I do make an effort to exercise each day…and have pretty good will power “most” of the time. But I’m still eager to hear how this program works for you. Good luck, my friend!
I think you are breathtakingly beautiful at any size, but cheer you on for your efforts!