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Entrees Food Weekends In a French Kitchen

Weekend In a French Kitchen: Shrimp with Armagnac

This week my experience with Weekend in A French Kitchen ranged from the complex and wonderful– Chilled Spring Pea Soup from Café Boulud Cookbook–to  the simple and sublime–Langoustine (or Shrimp in my case) with Armagnac from A Kitchen in France by Mimi Thorisson. Mimi describes her recipe as “summer comfort food.” To me it is just plain delicious and ridiculously easy to make. Also, it is a great reminder that good recipes need not be complicated and time consuming. Two tips, however: don’t forget the Armagnac as it really adds a sophisticated twist; and if you are not a huge onion/shallot fan, feel free to cut that amount back to suit your tastes. I learned the hard way that shallots can vary greatly in volume. I think Mimi’s recipe intends that small ones be used rather than the baseball size Sous Chef bought. Shrimp with Armagnac

See what the rest of the Weekend in a French Kitchen group has to say about this dish. If you like our concept and enthusiasm for French cooking, why don’t you join our group?

Aurevoir and Bon Appetit until next week!

Shrimp with Armagnac


Christy Majors

Food enthusiast, wine aficionado, BBC Food fanatic, and cookbook bibliomaniac, who suffers from an incurable case of culinary wanderlust. Artist in progress. Creator of Tout va bien! (TM) where experiences in food, travel and wine are broken down for the home cook and traveler. Banker by day.
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  1. I have alot of fresh shrimp. This recipe will be great. It looks so good. I am looking forward to making it.

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