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Dr. Seuss and The Big Tuna Agree: Tuna Rillettes are a Winner

I am the Culinary Diva.
A Culinary Diva I am.

I do not like Sardines,

Culinary Diva that I am.

I do not like them in a tin,

I would not like them here (Sardine Rillettes)

Or there (Around My French Table).

I would not like them anywhere!”

-adapted from Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss

Childish as it may seem, I do not like sardines!  Dress them up, disguise them, no matter:  I don’t like them.  Not even if they are a featured ingredient in my treasured cookbook Around My French Table by Dorie Greenspan.

What’s a culinary diva to do?  I want to fit in; I want to follow the rules.  But at the very sight of this slimy, disgusting little bait fish I break out in hives and hot flashes.  Who knew you could have an allergic reaction just by viewing a sardine based dish on a computer screen?

In the spirit of this week’s French Fridays with Dorie challenge, I decided to make the Tuna Rillettes instead.  While the Big Tuna, Bill Parcells, won’t likely be with the Saints, this tuna dish is heavenly and amazingly simple to make within five minutes. 

Pantry staples make for a delectable treat
You will likely find the ingredients in your pantry.  And, if not, you haven’t been shopping lately.  Just take some canned or packaged tuna, add curry powder and some other spices and, voilà,
Save a step and put directly into food processor and not separate bowl like I did
 The franchise player is the curry and my star was the Japanese Curry from Williams Sonoma.  Not only is there an amazing aroma, but the subtle nuances from the curry (star anise, cayenne pepper, cumin, black pepper, fenugreek, turmeric, fennel, and coriander) played well with the tuna.  The curry did not overwhelm the palate or the tuna, but it did create a medley of flavors.  Although the recipe calls for allspice, shame on me and my grocery shopping sous chef but our pantry was bare in this regard so I decided to use a little pumpkin pie spice instead.  Happily this substitute performed like Matt Flynn, formerly of the Green Bay Packers and now with the Seattle Seahawks (at least according to my sous chef who is counting the days until football season begins).  Plus I opted for heavy cream over the crème fraiche (because of a refrigerator shortfall), and was very pleased with the texture and richness it added.  A little squeeze of lemon brightened the flavors as it always does.
Squeeze a little lemon juice

I love my Little Pro Plus – it’s great for Rillettes,
So what is the perfect canvas for this delectable dip?  Raincoast Crisps!  We used the Fig and Olive and the slight sweetness of the fig complimented the curry.  Celery would also be a great vessel to enjoy the goodness of this rillettes.
Tuna Rillette with Raincoast Crisps

My sous chef thought this might be Dorie’s best recipe so far, certainly better than the Crab and Grapefruit Salad we tried before it.  He gave it two corkscrews up as a wonderful appetizer that is perfect for Spring, Summer and Fall picnics (Hollywood Bowl here we come!) and for a light meal when you don’t feel like cooking.

The unfortunate Crab & Grapefruit Salad is still a work in progress
(note, do not substitute Sambal for hot sauce with this dish)
To read more French Friday’s with Dorie, or to join in on the fun:


Christy Majors

Food enthusiast, wine aficionado, BBC Food fanatic, and cookbook bibliomaniac, who suffers from an incurable case of culinary wanderlust. Creator of Culinary Diva (TM) where experiences in food, travel and wine are broken down for the home cook and traveler. Banker by day.
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  1. I am glad that you found a substitute dish for the sardine rillettes. It looks like you really enjoyed the salmon rillettes. Your serving bowl sure looks pretty. I did enjoy reading your post. And do not give up on the Crab and Grapefruit Salad, it is delicious.

  2. Oh, yes- now I could have loved the tuna rillettes- yours looks beautiful! You have a delightful blog; I will visit again soon!

  3. Christy, I’m kicking myself in the shins for not using a food processor for this one. I ended up mixing everything by hand and my rilletes looked more like cat food than anything! My sous chef is driving me insane until the draft is done in two weeks. He’s a Miami fan, and his feelings have been toyed with with Peyton/Flynn gate. 🙂

    1. Okay, so that’s how I ended up with the bowl, then realized I should have used a food processor – the texture was so much better.

      Glad someone else has a sous chef that had football insanity – I swear we have a calendar up with the football season marked brightly!

  4. I actually think that tuna could be easily substituted in the sardine rillettes recipe. Mine ended up generally tasting like tuna salad anyway, but a very good tuna salad with all of the cream cheese and other seasonings. You should give it a try.

  5. I wish I had been smart like you and made tuna rillettes! I was pretty sure I wouldn’t like the sardines but was stubborn and tried them anyway. Your post made me excited for the tuna, though. Sorry you didn’t like the crab and grapefruit salad. It wasn’t my favorite either.

    1. Thanks, it’s like two pages after the Sardine Rillettes – hope you get to try it! If you love curry or even like curry, this is a winner.

  6. I thought I could convince myself to like this recipe, but it didn’t work. Maybe tuna would have worked, but I’m not sure I really want to try it at this point!! I’m just excited for next week!

  7. Great poem, and even better substitution. I am with you on being a sardine hater.
    Peggy (Necessity is the Mother of Invention)

  8. Love your tribute to Dr. Seuss. I agree with Rose. I think you should try the sardine recipe with tuna. It had great flavors. I’m looking forward trying the tuna recipe you made.

  9. I love the Dr. Seuss! I know that I would like this with tuna, so I am looking forward to trying it soon. Your tuna rillettes look so delicious.

  10. Christy, Unlike you, I do not feel THE LEAST BIT GUILTY for making Rillettes de Thom (I thought it was pretty chi chi to go with the nom de français! And, I even think we used the same crackers. I didn’t mention it in my Post but I thought the little bit of fruit added to the paté. Loved your opening. Dr. Seuss would be proud – he probably wasn’t crazy about sardines either. Mary

  11. Love the Dr Suess reference. I almost made the tuna rillettes by mistake – I got a big shock when I found I had not bought the right ingredients, and had to go to the store on the way home from work to get the right ones. I surprised myself by liking the sardine version – just hold the onions.

  12. Too funny with Dr. Seuss! Green Eggs and Ham is one of my sons favorites! Those raincoast crisps look and sound so tasty, glad you enjoyed the tuna version!

  13. LOL…at least you knew not to waste your time and effort with sardines 🙂 Your tuna looks amazing…the curry gives it a beautiful color. I love those Raincoast Crisps, too!!!

  14. I loved your take on Dr. Seuss…in fact as I was talking myself out of making this dish…Green Eggs and Ham came to my mind! I had just read it to my four year old grandsons and I thought as you did! I could not, would not! And I didn’t! Kudos to you for making it work for you!

  15. WOW! I’m inspired. I should have tried this one. I laughed at your Dr. Seuss intro…totally how I feel, but, way to go…I could not do this one. Hubby was missing his French food for the week and asked if I could sub a different fish? I couldn’t think about it…such a mental thing. And…this is why I joined the group initially, to try new things. Well…after reviewing what you all have done, I might get brave. Honestly, you have inspired me.

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