Tout va bien! ™

Adventures in Food, Wine, Art & Travel

Weekends In a French Kitchen

Weekend in a French Kitchen: Almond Gazpacho

Sizzling hot is good in the bedroom but not in the kitchen. So when it’s too hot to cook, make gazpacho and drink ice-cold cocktails (not necessarily in that order). That’s my motto, and one Sous Chef agrees with – after all he started the gazpacho/cocktail movement at our house because he is a devotee of each. With temps in the desert forecast for 111+ the next week and holding steady, I have stockpiled Lillet Blanc and a refrigerator full of chilled soups. Thankfully this week’s Weekend in a French Kitchen assignment is Almond Gazpacho from Mimi Thorisson’s “A Kitchen in France.

Almond Gazpacho
Almond Gazpacho

This isn’t my first Almond Gazpacho rodeo, as it was one of my featured recipes in January 2012 for my Flamenco and a Taste of Spain post. From that experience I knew that Almond Gazpacho is best consumed in small quantities due to its rich, slightly sweet, and quite unique flavors. Make this gazpacho a meal by adding a baguette and a few slices of jamón serrano or prosciutto. And don’t forget the wine. Mimi’s gazpacho is Spanish-influenced, so a nice Albariño from Spain suits this dish beautifully with its sweet aromas of almonds, citrus and peaches, light, bright and fresh flavors, high acidity (to cut through the gazpacho’s richness), and low alcohol (for uninhibited quaffing). Or be adventuresome and try my new favorite summer wine cocktail: Lillet Blanc on ice with a slice of orange.

Almond Gazpacho
Almond Gazpacho to cool you down when the temps are too hot to cook!

See what the rest of the Weekend in a French Kitchen group has to say about Mimi’s dish. If you like our concept and enthusiasm for French cooking, why don’t you join our group?

Aurevoir and Bon Appetit until next week!





Christy Majors

Food enthusiast, wine aficionado, BBC Food fanatic, and cookbook bibliomaniac, who suffers from an incurable case of culinary wanderlust. Artist in progress. Creator of Tout va bien! (TM) where experiences in food, travel and wine are broken down for the home cook and traveler. Banker by day.
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